Does Switching Currency Violate Your Mortgage Contract?

As a home owner under a mortgage contract, having read their policies, terms and conditions before signing up. There are certain mortgage contract rules that are to be followed, when it comes to switching currencies on the mortgage contract, so many questions arise, regarding if it’s legal, safe, what the implications are and many more.

For people who might not know what mortgage contracts are, never to worry this article has still got you covered. Here, this article will disclose to you the meaning of mortgage contracts, answer the question of “Does switching currency violate your mortgage contract” and some other frequently asked questions, relating this practice.

Meaning Of Mortgage Contracts

To start with, a mortgage contract simply means a legal agreement orchestrated by a lender and a borrower, where the  borrower puts one of his properties, as a collateral in cases where the loan repayment cannot be met, based on some certain rules such as property should be equivalent to the money to be replayed, necessary documents should be available and so on.

The mortgage contract boldly discloses to the borrower its terms and conditions, interest rate, policies and requirements, repayment schedule and other necessary information. With that understanding let’s continue on our journey of finding out if switching currencies violates your mortgage contracts.

Understanding Currency Clause in Mortgage Contracts

It is important to know that in every mortgage contracts there is what is referred to as a currency clause, it is a specifically set currency to which the outstanding debt is to be replayed. This clause as aforementioned, protects the interest of the lender and the borrower from fluctuations that may occur during the period of the outstanding debt, that may cause changes in the repayment process.

Can Switching Currency Violate Your Mortgage Contract?

As aforementioned earlier in this article, there are certain rules to certain mortgage contracts, that are strictly adhered to. The act of switching currency, on a mortgage contract can literally violate terms and conditions of the set agreement, most at times if there is a currency clause outlined in the contract.

By switching the currency of a mortgage contract, borrowers may be breaching the contract and could face legal consequences, law suits or financial penalties as a result of the act. So the answer is switching currency violates the terms and conditions of some mortgage contracts based on the lender, so it is not advisable. But if any act of such should be condoled it must have been in the agreement from the beginning of the contract.

Factors to Consider Before Switching Currency

Before considering switching currency on a mortgage contract, there are essential factors to look out for as a borrowers to know if what you are about to do is really worth the risks and potential implications that may follow. They are as follows:

  • The presence of a currency clause in the agreed mortgage contract.
  • Potential implications and penalties assigned to switching currencies in a mortgage contract.
  • Risks associated with the lenders currency exchange rates.
  • Legal obligations and charges that may follow for breaching the contract.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

  1. Can I switch currency on my mortgage contract?

Switching currency on a mortgage contract is a 50:50 ratio, as done lenders may concur to your choice while some others may not. All boils down to the laid down agreement, and both lenders and borrowers must abide to it, it is also advisable that you seek legal counsel and review all associated risks with the decision you are about to make.

  1. What are the potential risks of switching currency?

Switching currency can make borrowers prone to some associated risks, relating to the exchange rates, potential lawsuits of breaching the agreement, financial penalties, fines and lots more, that have been set by the lender in the terms and conditions.

  1. How can I determine if switching currency violates my mortgage contract?

In order to know if you are violating your mortgage contract, you should review your mortgage contract, terms of agreement, policy and check if there are any currency clause. It is also advisable that you see a legal practitioner for more advice.

  1. Are there alternatives to switching currency on my mortgage contract?

In place of switching the currency of a mortgage contract, borrowers might want another less risky alternative, they are refinancing the loan, dialoging with the lender for edits on the agreement or seek advice to manage the currency risks


To sum it all up, I will say switching currency on a mortgage contract can have both legal and financial impacts on the borrowers and the repayment process. It is important to review the terms, conditions, interest rate and other related information about the lender, seek advice of a counselor, and know the potential risks you may be at before venturing into a mortgage contract and switching currencies before repayment.

By being well informed about Mortgage Contracts, as a borrower you can navigate complex issues and make the right decisions that align with your budget, meet your needs, is convenient for you and with flexible terms and conditions, that allows for switching of currencies.


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